Natural Resources Northern and Yorke (NRNY)
CASE STUDY - Regional Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
Clear Vision Consulting partnered with NRNY to develop a comprehensive Regional Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. The goal was to identify key stakeholders and define communication strategies to support landscape-scale natural resource management (NRM) projects in the Northern and Yorke region of South Australia.
Our approach included:
- Conducting the region's first broad community e-survey on NRM attitudes.
- Facilitating a workshop with NRNY’s management team in Clare.
- Engaging in phone consultations with industry decision-makers.
- Involving Board members in the planning process.
Given the region's diversity in agriculture, marine, tourism, and resources, we crafted tailored recommendations. These focused on optimizing resource use and effectively engaging new community segments aligned with the Board’s Business Plan. The Strategy was designed as a practical tool for NRNY's management to guide communications and staff training over the next 2-3 years.
Recognizing that NRM involves various partners and competitors, we helped NRNY identify their unique value proposition and develop business-to-business (B2B) relationships with non-traditional sectors like mining, local government, and primary production. This collaborative approach uncovered innovative ways for the NRM Board to engage with these new markets without losing the momentum gained with existing volunteers and stakeholders.
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