Grant writing and capital attraction
Right now there are over 200 grants available for businesses and organisations. Let us help you with a structured, affordable and practical approach to attracting grants, capital or loans into your business.
Grants include capital, infrastructure, innovative new programs in the human services or the arts, capacity building, creative programs and training. We bring 'big picture' and business case thinking and the project tools and coaching if your team requires it, to develop the documentation often needed to support large grant applications.
If you are making a loan application, or approaching an investor directly, we can help with articulaitng the business case, developing presentations and communication strategy with decision makers. Often we find the business case can be used multiple times, for different audiences.
We developed a free Grant Ready checklist for you, of all the documentation you will likely be asked for when making a grant application. Email us now for the free tool HERE to start thinking about what you have, and what you might need. But be sure to call us before you start, as not every grant needs all of these.
Susan Lee is a professional writer and communicator with many years' experience communicating complex business concepts simply in a number of sectors. Trained in media and journalism, she has the knack of pointing out the key issues, benefits, needs and importantly, answering the question directly in as few words as necessary. She combines coaching, strategy, business language, project management and partnerships to give applications the edge to stand out in the competitive world of grants.
When you work with Susan and for large grants (over $50,000) the processes involves the following steps:
- Assessing eligibility against the funder's criteria and needs;
- Working with the client to determine likelihood of success before commencing;
- Understanding the size and scale of the project to be funded;
- Identifying the people required to gather data across the business;
- Developing budgets, project plans, risk plans;
- Sourcing quotes for capital items;
- Setting up project frameworks and governance;
- Sourcing letters of support from prominent stakeholders;
- Developing partnerships to improve the strength of a co-funded application;
- Addressing key criteria in a straightforward and relevant way;
- Getting client and board sign off for co-funding;
- Submitting, tracking and monitoring response;
- Assisting the client through the grant transaction and contract execution.
As a rule of thumb the bigger the grant and the longer the period to be funded, the more competitive and more comprehensive the planning and writing approach.
Our success stories for grants and capital include:
- $450,000 for Bedford Group for a Micro Business Incubator "My Creative Enterprise" from the Department of Social Services
- $1m for various capital items for four businesses across SA, Vic and Tasmania, from the Indigenous Entrepreneurs' Fund, Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet
- $750,000 released to a Tasmanian Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Davenport by state and federal government for museum design, interpretation and marketing.
We charge a flat fee for grant writing (negotiable on application) plus 5% percent of the grant value (over $50,000*) if successful.
(*Excludes AusIndustry grants and only applies to the amount provided by the funding body, not a clients' co-funding contribution if required)
Contact us to find out more or to make an enquiry