Communications Plan – Outback Communities Authority


The Outback Communities Authority (OCA) is akin to a local government  responsible for an area about half the size of SA.  

The OCA Board engaged Clear Vision Consulting to develop a Communications Plan and implement actions to better engage with stakeholders and represent ‘a unified outback’.

Legislative changes in 2009 meant OCA had new powers that affected how local government business was done in remote and far north SA. The time was right to communicate to stakeholders both in and out of the region. The challenge: how to engage with such geographically and demographically diverse stakeholders, and how to overcome perceptions of living and doing business in the outback?

Having lived and worked in the outback for a decade, Susan was able to easily engage with stakeholders such as Progress Associations, outback community organisations, industry and SA government representatives for feedback on how they wanted communications, what information was relevant, social media use and access. It was evident in-region stakeholders wanted a different level of information from the OCA than they were getting elsewhere.

Result? With Sharp Design, CVC developed branded templates for  e-newsletters and print publications and on behalf of the OCA write, designed and managed distribution of both to a database of contacts managed in-house.  The content was sourced from the community across the outback reflecting social and volunteer events, human profiles, infrastructure grants and OCA news impacting the region.

CVC also wrote the tender specifications for a new website that integrated communications strategies with the e-newsletter activities and social media.

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Contact us, call Susan Lee

0466 090 600