Stakeholder Engagement
We facilitate workshops, consult with industry, develop surveys and engage your customers in the issues that can make or break the success of a project.
We've all sat through strategic workshops that start with the Vision and end with the Action Plan. Snore. We believe humans are creative beings and absorb, comprehend and communicate information in many different ways. Stakeholder Engagement is about giving space and air to a range of voices in the community, by people directly impacted by proposed actions of businesses and government. Sometimes controversial, sometimes informative, facilitators need to be able to deal with diverse needs and views. We follow the core values of public participation used by the International Association for Public Participation, to be found here.
Our experience includes desiging and facilitating workshops, roundtables, industry forums, networkign events and creating tailored surveys for qualitative and quantitative insights, to draw out data to inform clients' projects. We specialise in the tourism industry, not for profits, SME business sector, regional communitites and indigenous community engagement. Clients include Minda Incorporated (largest SA intellectual disability services provider), SafeWorkSA, City of Charles Sturt Council, Adelaide City Council, SA Tourism Industry Council, SA Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources, Lifeline Country to Coast and The Australian Centre for Social Innovation just to name a few.
Contact us to make an enquiry.